A Look Back at 2015

This year I finally took the plunge and paid cash moneyz for a blog with my own URL. Peanut Butter Is My Boyfriend now looks jazzier and I'm hoping to step up my blogging game in 2016.

From content to graphics to food photography, I want to learn, experiment and grow and I cannot do that without feedback and support from YOU readers. 

What type of posts do you like best? Which do you skip? Anything new you'd like to see? 

I've learned a ton reading blogs like In It 4 The Long Run and The Nectar Collective and I'm ready to learn even more in the new year. 

But before 2016 is here let's do a recap of 2015. It was a jam packed year and I LOVED it. 


I started 2015 on the road in D.C. for a work event - with a new department that welcomed me with open arms. I learned so much from them and had a great year. 

New Year's Day dawned bright and early and Tina and I visited the NP_DC tribe for a KILLER PR day - running those Lincoln Memorial steps was no joke, but seeing the first sunrise of the year was awesome. 

November Project DC

I ran the Bluepoint Brewery 10-miler on Long Island to officially kick-off Pittsburgh Marathon training. Looking back, I can't believe I was crazy enough to train all winter long. At the time, I was super motivated, driven and determined. Peter was my rock all winter - making sure I got up on those chilly mornings for long runs and being lame on Friday nights with me. Not to mention chauffeuring me to the 10-miler on a freeeeezing cold Saturday morning. 

Bluepoint Brewery 10 Miler

I went on a work trip to Ohio where I walked around all week in a boot thanks to tendinitis. Then, I took the boot off to walk/run a 5K with coworkers.

To finish the trip, I  took an 8-hour bus ride home from Ohio when all of our flights were cancelled and arrived in an NYC preparing for a blizzard. It wasn't as bad as predicted, but it made for a very slippery couple of runs in Central Park. 

Central Park Winter Running


The beginning of February was stressful as I stubbornly moved apartments by walking all of my things from my old place to the new place. when all was said and down, I loved my new apartment but vowed that next time I move, I will spend the money on professionals! 


I enjoyed 2 reunions with my college roommates in February - one in NYC and one on Valentine's day for a hockey game at Quinnipiac. 

Then it was off on yet another work trip - this time in Santa Clara California. The low point was being super sick in the hotel room one day but the high point was extending my trip to go on a mini 24-hour vacation in San Francisco with my soul-sister Emily and her boyfriend! Her mom even bought us flower headbands so I could sing, "If you're going to San Francisco be sure to wear flowers in your hairrrrr" the entire time. 

San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge

February Posts: 
Frustrated, But Back

A Muddled Training and Injury Update

Pittsburgh on Pause

Your Guide for Eating Mexican on The UES

Japanese Tapas in California - On The Floor



Marathon training wasn't going so great, but then I had a wonderful (freezing) 25K race on Long Island with Peter. We both somehow won awards and the 8:20 pace revived my hopes of a speedy marathon pace. 


March was also the month when a big group of my favorite people got together for one last HOORAH at Nassau Coliseum for the Islanders last season on Long Island before moving to Barclays Center. 

I also attended my last ever Islanders game as a fan in March when I brought Peter to his first ever game at the old barn. 

We celebrated Nicole's birthday in Stamford and I was proud of how well I could hang after running a long run that morning! 

After months of trying, I finally got a reservation at Bobby Flay's new NYC restaurant - Gato. We ate lots of delicious food and the best part was GETTING A PICTURE WITH BOBBY FLAY who was cooking in the kitchen that night. 

Bobby Flay Gato

Peter and I took a trip to Boston the weekend before the marathon and visited the Sam Adams AND Harpoon Breweries. We celebrated Jess's birthday with an amazing brunch and my little cousins came to work with me one day! 

April Blog Posts: 

SLT Review: Strengthen Lengthen Tone (Shit, Legs Tired) 

The Longest Recap In The History of the World; AKA TL;DR

Restaurant Review: GATO


The highlight of May was my second marathon! I ran a PR in the Pittsburgh Marathon despite completely burning out after a too-fast first half. Spending the weekend in the burgh with Melissa, Peter and ERIN (who came home from New Zealand) was amazinggggg. 

Pittsburgh Marathon

Melissa and I celebrated our birthday the following weekend with a boozy brunch at Calle Ocho which was a ton of fun. 

The Brooklyn Half was later in May and I ran a PR thanks to Peter pushing me - we crossed the finish line in the rain and spent the rest of the day celebrating when the sun came back out. Unfortunately, this was the start of my month-long IT band struggles. 

Brooklyn Half Marathon

I also saw my little sister GRADUATE COLLEGE. So crazy. 

Sacred Heart Graduation

May wrapped up with a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend in Philadelphia. I met more of Peter's family and his best friend and we ate and drank and enjoyed the sunshine on a roof. I also met Mad Mex. 

May Blog Post: 

Am I Ready to Beat the Burgh?

Pittsburgh Marathon Part 1


122 Days Until Marathon #3 - EEEK

Brooklyn Half Race Recap

MAY: Finally Starting to Recap


June took me on the road for work for a loooong time but before I left I saw Les Mis AND Ed Sheeran with Peter. Both were fantabulous. 

My work travel took me to Tampa Bay and Chicago where I ate a ton of amazing food and most importantly got to visit with my two aunts and spend a really meaningful night with my Gran. 

Another highlight was reconnecting with Staci and having Peter join me on my final stop of June, Las Vegas! 

June Blog Posts: 

First Stop, Tampa!


Back to Tampa, Back to Chicago

Guac Off: Lemon vs. Lime



I celebrated the birth of my dearest friend Allison with a trip to the vineyards of Connecticut and also stopped by the Meow Parlour in NYC! 

Fourth of July was an amazing weekend in Montauk with my favorite group of ladies (AND my hip cool parents who actually got me into the PACKED OUT Sloppy Tuna. They're so much cooler than me!) 

Montauk Fourth of July

The Cheers Becky Ladies continued an amazingly exciting summer with a long weekend road trip to Cape Cod which was absolute perfection. We cooked delicious food, enjoyed the beach and sun and had some fun floating in the pond. 

Cape Cod

The end of July brought some good times spent in NYC for the first time in awhile. Brooklyn Brewery, happy hours, brunches, Kayla's birthday celebration and a BBQ at Peter's house on Long Island, a concert at BB Kings and a comedy show wrapped up a busy busy summer month. 

July Blog Posts: 

Through the 4th

Family & Friends & The Cape

BAEgels on the Beach

I Got My Headstand! Cooked A Lot! Saw GORILLAS.

Busy Week


A fake wedding and an amazing family vacation were the highlights of August. 

August Blog Posts: 

Books! Read Them!

Wolman's In The Hamptons

One Of Those Weeks (And A Wedding)

Rolling For Roots Hummus

Six Sunday Links


I started September with one last "Long Island Summer Weekend" which was incredible - I got to show Peter all my favorite things about home and my parents worked their butts off to ensure that I did everything on my list. It was the best weekend ever! 

We celebrated Peter's birthday in September with one of the best meals I've ever had!

Marc Forgione

September is also when I returned to running. I had a long streak of Friday "long" runs to NP workouts and the excitement of summer faded into the routine of the fall. I started working at the running store again 2 days a week as I tried to save money to buy a road bike. 

September Blog Posts: 

Running Is A Roller Coaster

Summer Weekends Wind Down

Sushi For Days

Finally All Caught Up!

The Most Perfect Weekend Ever

The Running Update!

Toronto, Eh?

Review: Blue Apron!

Restaurant Review: Two Hands


Restaurant Review: Marc Forgione

Happy Birthday Peter! Hanging Onto Summer

Resetting for Fall

Five Friday Faves

Six Sunday Links

Weekly Mileage 22!

A-Z Survey

Are You "That" Girl?


More routine. The weeks blended together and not a ton happened, but after a jam packed summer, the predictable days were welcomed. 

I took a long weekend trip to celebrate my grandma's birthday which made me really really really happy. 

I ran an eventful race on Halloween which was exciting! 

October Blog Posts: 

Small Talk

Friday Funk

Six Sunday Links

Happy Hockey Season! A Few Words.

Six Sunday Links on Monday

What's Next On My Fitness Journey

Six Sunday Links; Swagger & Sass

Restaurant Review: Bluestone Lane


November started with the NYC Marathon which I spectated and celebrated but didn't run (2017?). 

Again, more of me being pretty low-key and in the zone with my routine. Mondays - swimming lessons, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the running store. 

A little bit of a rut with my fitness life -  not exactly sure of my goals, not exactly sure what my body was feelin' in terms of mileage. 

The best part of November was my first college football game at Penn State! Meeting Peter's friends, exploring Penn State and tailgating for the Penn State v. Michigan game was such an amazing experience.

Christmas was Christmassy and amazing but not long enough as I left the following morning for a work trip to Boston where I will ring in 2016! 

So there we have it. 

December Blog Posts: 

10 Things I've Realized While Learning to Swim as an Adult

8 Things That Got Me In The Holiday Spirit

Race Recap: 5K In Austin, Texas

The Definitive Guide for Your Trip to Austin, Texas

I'm not much of a resolution girl, but I do have a few goals for 2016. 

  • As I mentioned, taking my blog more seriously is a definite priority of mine. 
  • Cutting down on my "stuff" - cleaning out my closets, throwing things out, and investing in quality over quantity as I go into the second half of my twenties. 
  • Running-wise I hope to run marathon #3 and to Boston Qualify. I've almost completely ruled out a spring marathon (though I still have 2 more weeks to ponder it) and I think over the winter I'd like to continue focusing on fewer but faster races before a fall marathon (Chicago? Long Island? New Jersey?) 
  • I hope to purchase a bike, continue to practice swimming and to compete in my first triathlon in 2016!
