get out

Coronacation: Day 4

I’m sure that the Coronavirus pandemic will become a chapter in history books. They’ll list statistics about the number of people infected, the number of deaths, the number of borders closed, the number of jobs lost, the plummeting stock market prices. But the facts are rarely effective in telling the full story. The facts won’t tell you about the runners who trained for the Tokyo Marathon and never got a chance to run. The facts won’t tell you about the recovering alcoholics who couldn’t get to an AA meeting. The facts won’t tell you about the small, every day things we took for granted up until a few days ago. An office to go to, your daily conversation with the barista at the coffee shop, running with a group of people, turning on a hockey game at the end of a long day.

My story throughout this pandemic is one of extreme privilege - cancelling a trip to South Africa, though heartbreaking in it’s own right - is not the same as losing a job, losing a house, or losing a loved one.

But I would like to chronicle this time - on the brink of 30, and moving back to my childhood home for an indeterminate amount of time.

I hope you can relate to some of what I write. I hope you can laugh at some of it. I hope it can serve as a brief distraction. And I pray that we can all get through this.


My wake up time continues to creep closer to 9 AM - today, I managed to roll out of my bed and into my “office” at 8:55.

I had made the mistake of lying there scrolling through CNN, Facebook and Instagram for a good 30 minutes, which I’m quickly realizing is the absolute worst way to start the day. With lots of bad news and stressful new statistics.

Once I realized that it was before 9 AM and I was already feeling anxious and stressed, I flipped my phone into airplane mode. It didn’t last really long, but I’m going to need to be more aware of how much time I’m spending on my phone.

When I went to get breakfast in the kitchen it was a crushing blow to realize there were no bananas in the house. My breakfast options are usually toast with peanut butter and banana, yogurt with banana, oatmeal with banana…banana is always part of my breakfast. Once I recovered from that, it was time to get to work.

Workout break for Day 4 was my own Kettlebell circuit. It was great, and afterwards I took some time posting it to my Instagram account. Though there is SO MUCH amazing home workout content on Instagram right now! Trainers, studios and friends are pumping out so many live classes, circuits and ideas that I might just end this quarantine in better shape than when I started!

My knee is still bothering me too much to run though, and that’s making me very sad. It’s the one thing I can count on to decrease my stress levels and with the weather getting nicer, I hope I’m feeling better soon.

I’m not sure how many days I can include “I took a shower” and “I ate lunch” in these blog posts. I’m boring even myself.

My dad and I participated in a creative exercise - turning the toilet paper he managed to find into an art project. Which do you think is best? Everything is fine. This is totally normal…

We felt bad buying 20 rolls of toilet paper when there are so many people looking for it! Wish that the store had taken the pack apart and sold the rolls individually somehow. But now we are ready 20 weeks, according to the packaging.

Around 6 I headed down to the beach to take a walk and try to catch the sunset. The sky was a little too cloudy for pretty colors, but walking and talking with Allison (6 feet apart) was glorious nonetheless.

Dinner was another turkey sandwich and UPDATE I think I have figured out the bakery that makes the bread I’m obsessed with at Crazy Beans Cafe (Backstory - I go there to buy slices of multigrain bread and every time I ask where they get it I’m told they can’t say!) Now I just need to figure out how to get an entire loaf…

We spent the rest of the night FaceTiming with my aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents and shared a lot of laughs, despite my father speaking at top volumes directly into my ear.

When I told them I was planning to use the quarantine as a time to grow out my leg hair, my father proclaimed “If you’re growing it out, you’re taking it home with you! You’re not clogging our drains!” This is life now, my friends.


The Tonight Show: At Home Edition - Jimmy Fallon and Lin Manual Miranda and really cute kids. Loved this!

A package arrived at my doorstep today - RX Nut Butter variety pack from my most wonderful friend Kayla. I am SO excited to have one of my favorite things fully stocked at my parents house. I forgot how amazing the chocolate peanut butter was!

Joking that this box of corks was from my mom’s wine consumption the past week! (It’s probably from three plus years).